Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Neck Coolie Things

Okay, so Wench and I went to the Cardinal's game last night, and brought home a winner! Home runs, 6 or more runs, lots of cheap treats to enjoy! It was wickedly hot outside! I dug out my neck cooling scarf that I bought a long time ago. It is made from magic watering crystals and it will plump up and hold a cold temperature so you can put it around your neck to stay cool.

Penny and I enjoying 99 cent Sonic Blasts
because the Cardinals hit a homerun!!

It really works. SO... once upon a time at an estate sale, I bought some of those crystals. I think it was before I even owned a sewing machine. But I knew that one day I would like to have the ability to make some of those cooling neckerchiefs. Well that some day has arrived.

Saturday is Gary's 50th birthday. The temp is expected to be HOT HOT HOT! I thought I could whip up some of those neck cooler things. Afterall that is the whole premise of my experiment. Use up what you have!! Therefore, I am headed to my sewing machine and going to attempt to mass produce some of these neck thingys to give out at the party!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Baby steps toward goal!


All that needed to be finished was the sewing of the tabs across the top for hanging the banner on the rod. So why, pray tell, do I leave these things go? I've concluded that one reason I'm afraid of finishing projects is the fear of how it will turn out.

The way this project came into being in the first place was the purchase of 5 dowel rods from a going out of business sale for 50 cents a piece. I just had to do something with them, so from there this banner project was born.

I realize that one project finished among many is just a baby step, but I'm excited to have this method for recording my progress. At least I can check one thing off the list, right? I'm posting closeups of the quilted banner because it took me so long to complete, and I want to remember what it looks like.

As far as my experiment goes, I can tell you FER SURE, that I have less stuff in my house than I would if I hadn't otherwise signed the contract. The reason I know this FER SURE, is that I passed by MANY MANY sales yesterday, AND I had to resist stopping at my favorite thrift store that I go to EVERY Saturday when I get off work. No doubt, I would have carried some bags in the house yesterday! NO DOUBT!! Knowing that is a good feeling. (although I do miss the rush of the purchase!)

This is a banner I made for my daughter's graduation party.
Another excuse to use the dowel rods I bought!

Some of the other projects that I have to get working on, are:

  • a picture I made for my daughter for her dorm room that needs frame repaired;
  • another dorm room project that sal and I are working on together;
  • an embroidered key chain for my other daughter, with her new high school name on it;
  • quilts, quilts, and more quilts

Well I'm signing off now to get on to laundry, organizing, and more. I'm happy I figured out how to download pictures to this blog as I hope to use it a lot. I'm so excited to have another hobby (blogging) to help incorporate my organization project that BADLY needs to be accomplished!

(My kids keep threatening me with Clean House/Clean Sweep!)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I can't stop thinking about Blogging

I've been wanting to start a journal for a while. Ever since I created my blog account and wrote in the blog on Sunday, I've been thinking about it non-stop. I haven't actually sat down to blog because: 1) I'm suppose to be studying; and B) I don't know where to begin.

Because I've read in various places that blogs should remain focused on one topic, (more or less), I've resisted writing because I've been preparing to take a boards exam and I haven't been able to fully start my Nine Month Experiment. The exception being that I have cut myself off from shopping at the tag sales. The other major part of my nine month experiment has to do with total organization of all of my craft supplies, and a list of every project that I've ever come up with. Those that I know will NEVER get done, are going in my own personal garage sale.

One thing I love about blogs is the pictures that people post. I've become obsessed with documenting every single step of my life, (to the point that I think I'm missing out on it sometimes) and I know I will enjoy posting the pix to my blog. Last week I took 74 pictures of the state of disarray of my house. Someday I might be able to post before and after pics. Let's hope so. That's what this project is all about.

What I've done so far: Last evening my daughter and I got out the pieces of quilt that I started making her some time ago. She asked me if I could have it finished for her to take to college with her. You're joking, right? She leaves on August 14th. This is one of the projects that will go on my list and I will begin to prioritize what gets done first, second, etc.

I am going to make lists of my craft supplies, too. I have purchased soooo many sewing notions at estate sales, I think I could start my own sewing notions store. Or a least a kiosk. Having been a Girl Scout and a Girl Scout leader, I tend to appreciate everything for it's alternative use. I don't like to throw things away. Not because I'm green, either. Just because I might be able to use it someday for something.

I get most of my ideas from other people. I particularly love it when bloggers and You-Tubers make tutorials. I've googled some of the oddest things and gotten some really cool results. I always appreciate that people are willing to take the time to post or videotape a "How-To".

I am going to take pix of my crap supplies (a euphemism my hubby likes to use) and perhaps post them as well. (I just looked up the word euphemism and realized that I am using it in exactly the opposite context for what it means. Is there a word that means: rude word to substitute proper word? Perhaps it's sarcasm? or smart ass?)

Not sure how to sign off, so I guess I'll just say:
~chrissy o.

Monday, July 12, 2010

So, here it is, Day 2 of my new blogging activity. I just drove by two estate sales on my way home from the library and it isn't even estate sale day! Perhaps they were just put there to tempt me. Nonetheless, I did not stop. That in of itself is truly an accomplishment. However, I'm beginning to like the idea of not spending money on any more junk. Perhaps I truly will get some of the on-going projects I have started --completed. This, too, might lend itself to actually having a de-cluttered house!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Overwhelmed with clutter; Where do I begin? A contract of course!

This past New Year's Eve, I spoke to a friend of mine that was also spending the evening at home just like any other day. She had a hearty laugh when I told her I was working on finishing a handcrafted Christmas present I was making for my brother and his wife. I told her, I might even stay up all night and finish every project I've ever started and never finished!! Of course it would take many many nights to accomplish that task! You see, I'm a somewhat of a hoarder. I don't want to really classify myself as an all out hoarder, but I do manage to bring in much more that I ever take out. So here it is 7 months into the new year, and guess what? Not only have I started many more craft projects, spent a whole lot of money on craft supplies, I STILL HAVEN'T FINISHED MY BROTHERS WALL HANGING!! I gave it to him at our family Christmas party 7/8ths of the way finished, and then asked for it back! So I'm sure you get the picture.

I'm an avid reader of blogs and I also find myself getting wrapped up in reading about people's lives and I am amazed at how many talented writers are out there. I don't think I fall into the writer category, but I wanted a method for recording my experiences with my upcoming experiment. I googled "How to start a blog" and I was introduced to another blog by Penelope Trunk. Her suggestion is "Just do it!" So here I am.

I am about to sign a contract with my counselor stating that I will not go to any Garage sales, Estate sales, Thrift stores, Going out of business sales, sale racks, end caps with bright flashy orange stickers, etc., for the period of nine months. (DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD THIS IS GOING TO BE???) (Imagine the savings!!) He truly wanted me to agree to this contract for however long it takes to complete my started projects, as well as all of the to-do projects that I have dreamt up with purchased items from one of the above listed places. I, however, would like to take this on strictly as a 9 month experiment!

This blog will give me a place to catalog all of my craft supplies and help me to organize the meaning of what, and why I brought home a certain this or that. (a chandelier - I want to take the crystals off of it, of course). For today, I started this blog. Hopefully I will utilize writing it when the urge to go "junking" occurs.
Wish me luck!~