Thursday, May 2, 2013

Singer 99K

Well yesterday I posted about the least favorite sewing machine I've acquired thus far, and now I'm going to name this Singer 99K as my most favorite!!

I really shouldn't jump to say that, I didn't plug it in.  But I think she's a beauty.  In fact the pictures show stuff that doesn't really appear to be there.  The decals are lovely.

This purchase was from Craigslist as well, and I paid $20.00 for it.  It was from Tim in Columbia, Illinois.  I drove there today to pick it up.  He had 3 other machines in cabinets that were all in sad shape and I felt pretty good leaving without rescuing the others!

Here's the pictures:

There is a bobbin release button on this style of Singer.  Something else I'm not familiar with.  The needle plate is obviously a replacement.  Instead of being shiny, it has a matte finish.

The cord is a little frayed, but not really that bad.  The belt and the bobbin winder tire both look like they've been replaced recently. 

I took this picture to show the lazy susan I got to use with repairing the sewing machines.  It works great to help with the photos, too!

I've  never noticed a Made in Great Britain decal on a Singer before.  Maybe I just haven't seen enough of them, but I think it's really cool to think this machine originated across the pond.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Dressmaker S 2402 sewing machine with cams (without cams)

Now I'm going to tell you about the Dressmaker S 2402 that I purchased at the Family Thrift Store for $12.51.  I didn't realize that the machine required cams and it didn't come with any.  It might actually be one of the only machines I've purchased that I regret.

I don't have a manual for it, and the only ones I find on line cost $10.00.  Although it does have a different color to it, it comes with a case, (as opposed to a cabinet!)

Enough already, just put up the pictures!