Sunday, July 18, 2010

Baby steps toward goal!


All that needed to be finished was the sewing of the tabs across the top for hanging the banner on the rod. So why, pray tell, do I leave these things go? I've concluded that one reason I'm afraid of finishing projects is the fear of how it will turn out.

The way this project came into being in the first place was the purchase of 5 dowel rods from a going out of business sale for 50 cents a piece. I just had to do something with them, so from there this banner project was born.

I realize that one project finished among many is just a baby step, but I'm excited to have this method for recording my progress. At least I can check one thing off the list, right? I'm posting closeups of the quilted banner because it took me so long to complete, and I want to remember what it looks like.

As far as my experiment goes, I can tell you FER SURE, that I have less stuff in my house than I would if I hadn't otherwise signed the contract. The reason I know this FER SURE, is that I passed by MANY MANY sales yesterday, AND I had to resist stopping at my favorite thrift store that I go to EVERY Saturday when I get off work. No doubt, I would have carried some bags in the house yesterday! NO DOUBT!! Knowing that is a good feeling. (although I do miss the rush of the purchase!)

This is a banner I made for my daughter's graduation party.
Another excuse to use the dowel rods I bought!

Some of the other projects that I have to get working on, are:

  • a picture I made for my daughter for her dorm room that needs frame repaired;
  • another dorm room project that sal and I are working on together;
  • an embroidered key chain for my other daughter, with her new high school name on it;
  • quilts, quilts, and more quilts

Well I'm signing off now to get on to laundry, organizing, and more. I'm happy I figured out how to download pictures to this blog as I hope to use it a lot. I'm so excited to have another hobby (blogging) to help incorporate my organization project that BADLY needs to be accomplished!

(My kids keep threatening me with Clean House/Clean Sweep!)

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