Monday, April 29, 2013

Singer 128

Although I don't intend to officially begin blogging, I need to record somewhere, the inventory of sewing machines that I've bought lately, in preparation of my Sewing Machine Repair class with Ray White at the end of May.

I'm starting with today, and working backwards.

I contacted a guy named Charlie from Craigslist that had an old Singer for $10.00.   I was happy that it needed  new wiring, as that is one of the things I'm excited to learn.

I picked it up earlier today from Green Park Industrial Park.  Because it was such a beautiful day (80 degrees), I sat on the porch and looked it over.  I discovered it is a 128, which means it has a shuttle bobbin.  The bobbin is funny looking and the shuttle swings back and forth under the machine.  (I think they call it a vibrating shuttle.)  It is considered a 3/4 size machine.
See the Bentwood case in the background?  In bad shape!

I read about the machine on several sites: and ismacs, of course, where I got a copy of the manual.

Bobbin for 128
So I oiled her up and cut off the ever crusting cords.

I am headed out to pick up another machine from CL in Oakville.  This one is $15.00 from Becky.

Cord was so dry rotted, black flakes were everywhere!

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