Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Singer 15-91

The next machine I am picturing here is the one I bought last night from Becky in Oakville off of Craigslist.  It was $15.00  It is in pretty good shape, doesn't appear to be missing anything.

I didn't plug it in, so I don't know about how it runs, but the hand wheel moves smoothly by hand.

According to the serial number it is a Model 15 and was manufactured in 1934.

Here are the pictures:

 When I lifted up the machine to see under it at the sellers house, she was surprised and said I, "didn't know it did that!" Then she said, "Oh, look more parts and stuff!" I just hope I never open a machine and discover money that has been stashed there.
When I ask her for the history of the machine, she said that she and her husband both thought it was the other's mothers.  So truly she didn't know.  Because both are deceased, they would never know.  (How sad.)

The decals are really in bad shape in the front of the machine.  I like to think it was a real workhorse and had lots of fabric run along it's belly causing the leafing to rub off.  On the back it is in better condition.

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